Personal Journey to Israel: A Gem of The Middle East June 11, 2015 – Posted in: Blog

It lies 6,620 miles away from my home, is located on the Mediterranean Sea and is one of the most highly contested pieces of land on Earth. This was our second visit to the Land of Milk and Honey. On our first visit we ported during a Holland America Mediterranean cruise in Haifa, a city in the North of Israel. That day we visited Jerusalem as well as Bethlehem in Palestine (West Bank). It certainly wasn’t enough…

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How Do You Celebrate the EVERY Day? July 30, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Whether you’re single, married or anything in between, you can still celebrate the every day! Something as simple as closing your eyes and sitting outside for 15 minutes, chatting on Skype to your friend living abroad or an impromptu getaway for the weekend…it can all be a celebration.   As a jewelry designer, I have the pleasure and privilege to design for brides getting married around the world! Being chosen as the person who will…

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Make Mykonos…Yourkonos! The #1 Tip the Cruise Ships Don’t Tell You July 5, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Whether you’re searching for a party boat or a tranquil cobblestone galavant, Mykonos can offer you both. This happy little post will give you the #1 money saving tip on this little paradise in the Aegean that will surely save you at least $180 (which happens to be another thing the cruise ships don’t tell you!)   Our floating hotel sailed into port and immediately we spotted a town on the edge of the sea.…

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Sapphire on the Aegean – A Review of the Greek Isle of Santorini June 25, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

  Sapphire on the Aegean – A Review of the Greek Isle of Santorini When you hear the words, “Greek Isle”, what comes to mind? Is it whitewashed villages high atop cliffs and sapphire domes? Guess what? It’s all true.  Sailing into Santorini was nothing short of majestic.  The island jutted out of the Aegean Sea as if it was the backdrop of a movie dream set. From a distance, the dotted white villages of…

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I’m BAAAACK {LITERALLY}! June 7, 2012 – Posted in: Uncategorized

{Red-i} By Chelsea says “HELLO” to Santorini!                                     I truly missed all of you and I have SO many tips and reviews to share about the journey to #Corfu, #Santorini, #Mykonos, #Olympia & #Venice, #Italy! UPDATE: For the next 4 days I’ll be: • Answering your emails/messages/comments & THANK YOU by the way for ALL of them! •…

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Part 2: Trash The Dress Jet-Setting…Choosing the Perfect Dress – Again! September 7, 2011 – Posted in: Uncategorized

In Part 1 I discussed the how I chose the perfect location for my own Trash the Dress session. In Part 2, we talk threads! It took so long to find my wedding dress. I wasn’t exactly the “ideal” shopper. When my bridesmaids and I went to the first bridal shop I tried on what seemed like a billion dresses from the price range of “swing-able” to “I’ll have to take a second mortgage”. The…

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To Trash the Dress or Not to Trash the Dress…That is the Question August 29, 2011 – Posted in: Uncategorized

To Trash the Dress or Not to Trash the Dress…That is the Question I get this question a lot. We decided to have our adventurous trash the dress session almost a year and a half after our own destination wedding. It was better late than never and frankly, it gave me another reason to have my husband haul a wedding dress across international borders…again! It also was another reason to make more magic with the…

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