We can’t wait to create your next order! Ready to go?

Here are 3 different options to get it in motion:

• Submit your PO here

• Log in to your Wholesale Account and “Add to Cart”

• Click here to request a suggested order of best-sellers


Submitting your order in accordance with delivery timelines is crucial for a seamless purchasing experience. Here’s an insightful look into why timing matters:

Importance of Timely Order Submission






Remember, from the moment you click “submit,” your order starts its journey through a sequence of meticulously planned steps, from processing to shipping.

Being mindful of this process encourages a more thoughtful and efficient approach to ordering for your retail space. It’s not just about when you want an item to arrive, but also when you place the order to set that journey in motion.


Questions? Email us and we would be delighted to help.

Confusion over which jewelry to choose? Questions about packaging? Tips to maximize your sales? We’d love to hear from you. Email us here.

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