Hurricane Irma – The Aftermath September 13, 2017 – Posted in: Blog
Hurricane Irma has devastated the Caribbean Islands. She has stripped the Keys of homes, businesses and lives. She offered a terrible shock to Jacksonville. If there’s one thing I now know, it’s this:
The devastation that has occurred throughout the islands, Key West and Jacksonville is out of a horror movie. No water, no gas, no food, stranded locals and tourists and resources are few and far between.
We slept in closets the night of the hurricane. The wind and rain rushed in and out and sounded like a combination of a freight train, ghosts, and loud whistling.
It shook the house at times and when I woke up at 3am (the witching hour, no less) I felt paralyzed while squeezing my Kermie, eyes like saucers, and fearing for Eric and Tinky in the other closet.
This was nothing compared to what others must have felt when Irma supplied her wrath.
I cannot tell you how grateful I am for your emails, voicemails, Facebook messages and constant support. This was truly the most anxiety-ridden week of our lives. There was not one guarantee that we would have a home or car to return to (see my blog from the day of the hurricane), and so many others face this reality this week. It has been a truly humbly experience.
I have second guessed (third guessed) and questioned so many decisions. In the end, we were spared the worst of Hurricane Irma. Despite the packing up and evacuating, returning, and circling around multiple times, we are the lucky ones (I don’t actually even believe in luck, but I believe it this time).
Sleeping in closets with eyes like saucers as the wind and rain whipped up and sounded like a freight train mixed with ghosts, our home made it through with a broken fence, a little water in my outdoor office and some shingles throughout the lawn.
That is pretty much the best case scenario that I’ve seen, and I’m so grateful. Living without power, A/C and air conditioning has been offset but our kind and generous family, but we know others are not nearly as lucky. This was a true mental test.
Practicing EFT/Tapping and the love and support of family, friends and clients from all around the globe was truly the only way to get through the anxiety (more on that to come).
I haven’t yet had the chance to respond to you individually amidst all of the chaos and moving, but please know you are all in my hearts and so very much appreciated.
In the end…
I personally donated to:
The Humane Society of Greater Miami
Additional Suggested Charities (please research all charities prior to donations to avoid fraudulent organizations). Research charities here: Charity Navigator
The Salvation Army
Local Churches and Food Pantries